gg2vv is hosted by Hepforge, IPPP Durham


Parton-level integrator and event generator for gg (→ H) → WW and gg (→ H) → ZZ processes

Source code for semileptonic WW and ZZ channels: gg2VV-3.1.2_semilept.tar.bz2 (see arXiv:1506.01694)
New 19Aug2015: fixed typos in amplitude/formcalc/Jamfile and squaredme.WWqqlv/SquaredME.f

Source code for 1-Higgs-Singlet extension of the SM (EWS model): gg2VV_EWS-1.1.tar.bz2 (see arXiv:1502.04113; with event generation)
New 01Aug2015: fixed typo in smp.cpp; 19Aug2015: fixed typo in omnicomp_.cpp

Current SM source code: gg2VV-3.1.7.tar.bz2
(LoopTools v2.8 required, tested with LoopTools-2.8_20120918.tar.gz)

References for gg2VV:
arXiv:1206.4803 (LaTeX(US), LaTeX(EU), BibTeX) for gg (→ H) → WW and gg (→ H) → ZZ
arXiv:1310.7011 (LaTeX(US), LaTeX(EU), BibTeX) for gg (→ H) → WW/ZZ → 2l2ν

Please use the names of the old versions, gg2WW or gg2ZZ, when citing the corresponding papers:
hep-ph/0611170 (LaTeX(US), LaTeX(EU), BibTeX) for gg (→ H) → WW → 2l2ν (different flavour)
arXiv:0807.0024 (LaTeX, BibTeX) for gg → ZZ → 2l2l (different flavour, with photon, no Higgs)

Automated installation with included script (contributed by Doug Schouten)

Build instructions:
gg2VV-3.1.6/README.build_libraries (compiler dependent!)
gg2VV-3.1.6/README.mixed_precision (recommended)
(ignore irrelevant message: ...lib/intel64/ warning: feupdateenv is not implemented and will always fail)

Main gg2VV configuration files:

Sample installation of mixed precision version (recommended)
on using Intel compilers (ifort, icpc, icc):
/afs/ (build tool)
/afs/ (shell config file -> environment variables, path, Intel compilers setup script)
The environment variable LONG_BIT is used in ./Jamrules and should be set to `getconf LONG_BIT`
/afs/ (omniORB config file)
Sample output: mixed_precision.outm4l.pdf

Event generation (initialization files and small event samples in LHEF format):
/afs/ configuration:
Scientific Linux CERN SLC release 6.4 (Carbon)